Wednesday, August 3, 2011


  • Tuesday, August 31, 2010 8:52 PM, EDT

Hi, everyone:

Rachelle visited the doctor today and was evaluated to see if she was ready to have the neck brace off. They did not remove the neck brace, but did take X-rays to determine if it's time to take it off. The doctor will make the decision after reviewing the X-rays. At that time Rach and her family can remove the neck brace at home.

Since she was already in the hospital, Rachelle visited her ICU nurses. She thanked the nurse that did the CPR for not breaking her ribs and she also thanked her for the sternum pain that followed. She was happy to see the medical staff that assisted with her recovery.

Rachelle had many visitors at her grandmother's house as well. Her family rented a ramp for Rach to use while she is in town at her grandmother's house. Thank you for everyone that came to see Rach, she enjoys having visitors.

  • Monday, August 30, 2010 1:07 AM, EDT

Whaaaaaaaaaat a weekend!!

as you know on thursday Rachelle had a fever., I ended up taking her to the doctor on friday just to make sure everything is okay since her fever was rather high even though it had come back down with the weekend comming I just didn't want to take any chances and so far she has checked out Okay The doctor also gave her different pain meds to try,, but we are waiting until after the va beach trip to try them.

And for outpatient rehab she will be going two times a week. Her insurance is only giving her 30 visits a year so we are trying to streatch them out as far as possible because in january she will be able to get 30 more visits. WE are still waiting to hear from the shepherd center and a few other places we are checking into. And of course,. we are still waiting to hear back from medicaid. also. she has a loaner wheel chair that just isnt working out for her so we are trying to get that right it needs an alighnment or something because it pulls to the left making it very hard for her to wheel herself.

Now for the good news.. count down to getting the neck brace off.. tuesday she has an appointment with the neurosurgeon in va beach ,, hopefully, he will take off the neck brace. Rach is real excited about that it will surely help with hair washing and showering and of course all around comfort.

Rachelle had a great weekend with friends. Some of her cheerleaders stopped by to visit, Samantha ,,, was here for the weekend,, she helped us out by picking up some of the out of place items and doing a really good scrubbing,, THANK YOU SO MUCH !

We also went to the watermellon festival, her friend Scott was able to get Rachelle and Chris tickets to see the concert and a VIP parking ticket... we had a great time..

One of her therapist from pitt memorial was there and they hung out for most of the concert. It was great seeing her.
Since we were so close to greenville and we had to pass the hospital on the way home we did a suprise attack on one of her favorite nurses to say hello. I am NOT even going to say what time we got home. Just enough to say ,, we all got to sleep in real late.

today was basically one of those lovely lazy days we all just sorta hung around, Chris did take rachelle shopping and a few friends came over during the evening to hang out with them.

We are going to be in Va beach Monday until Wed afternoon ( she has to be back for rugby practice) if anyone wants to catch up with her , we will be staying at my moms ( her house is the most accesable for rachelle with hard wood floors and one level, Anyone is welcome to come visit, jsut give us a call to set up a time so we can make sure we are there ,

carol 553 1526
joyce 420 3331

I hope everyone had a great weekend

  • Thursday, August 26, 2010 8:36 PM, EDT

Hello everybody:

Rach and her mom went to the Farmer's Market today for fresh fruit and natural face products. She was also running a fever today. Rachelle has been enjoying spending time at home with PeeDee; he's been a good dog and cuddles with Rach all the time. Chris on the other hand, is not very comfortable at the moment. He has poison ivy all over his arms from working on the fence. Chris can't really touch Rach at the moment because of his poison ivy, so it's frustrating not being able to help. However, Rach has been poking fun of Chris and his pain. Poor guy has soaked both of his arms with lotion.

  • Wednesday, August 25, 2010 9:40 PM, EDT

Hi, everyone:

Rachelle had another day of therapy today. The therapists laid her on her back and attempted to have her sit up by rocking back and forth. The way Rach sits up is by rocking back and forth until she balances on her elbows, then she rocks back and forth until she balances on her hands. She also placed her arm underneath her leg in order to move it. The therapists are working to teach Rach how to put her shoes on. Rach also worked out on the Bowflex in therapy today.

This afternoon Rachelle attended rugby practice. One of the guys allowed Rach sit in his chair and she practiced by throwing the ball. Rachelle watched part of the rugby practice as well. She's only been home for a week and she's already getting into sports!

  • Tuesday, August 24, 2010 10:11 PM, EDT

It's been a week since Rachelle has been home. And it's been a busy week ! She has adjusted well to being home.

A lift is on the agenda next for getting the house accesable for Rachelle. Chris has been giving Rachelle piggy back rides to get up and down the stairs ( Chris's Dad even helped out getting her down )

Friends have been over to help out with the house, and visit with Rachelle and Chris. Chris , his dad and Casey a co- worker and a few kids from their school came over to start putting up the fence so Peedee can run amuck around the yard. Chris mom and Rachelle's friend brikeda hung out with Rachelle and helped out anyway they could ( while i went home and Chris was out building the fence) they did a great job.

Today, was the first day of rehab at Wake Med. It was mostly a lot of question asking but she was able to do a little PT. And the therapist wanted to see what Rachelle had and she did.... Rachelle was able to sit up balancing herself without any hands on the mat for 60 seconds , however, she had to be a little slumped over to help with the balance. Her therapist seemed to think she may be able to getsome of her top stomach muscles back . They also worked on rachelle laying on her back and trying to push up with her elbows to get her to be able to get herself to sit up in bed.

With her insurance she will only be getting occupational therapy and physical therapy at wake med but we will make sure she gets plenty of recreation therapy , as a matter of fact, we are going to our first wheel chair rugby practice tomorrow night. They do have extra chairs but we are not sure if she will be watching or playing tomorrow night.

Rachelle wanted everyone to know they are welcome to come visit anytime , and if you have a hard time getting in touch with Chris or Rach , of course, you can always give me a call to let us know when you will be comming.

carol 757 553 1526

Everyone has been so great with Rachelle and Chris's home coming!! And we thank everyone so much!!

  • Monday, August 23, 2010 8:48 AM, EDT

Goodmorning everyone:

Rachelle spend this past weekend with one of her best friends from high school. They spend quality time together and hung out. On Friday, Rach visited Chris at his work and had the opportunity to say hello to many of Chris's co-workers (they were all excited to see her). On Saturday, Chris and Rach got PeeDee back and Rach was very thrilled about that. They also got new hardwood floors downstairs, which PeeDee didn't seem to mind. Rachelle also had several visitors on Saturday. She is glad to be back home.

Please remember: the Poker Run will take place at Joker's Bar and Grill on September 12, 2010. Registration is between 9-11AM and the event begins at 11AM. The cost is $10 for riders and $5 for passengers. A special needs trust has been established for Rachelle and donations may be made to:

Rachelle's Special Needs Trust
P.O. Box 1943
Norfolk, VA 23451
OR via PayPal to:

Thank you for your ongoing love and support.

  • Wednesday, August 18, 2010 10:35 PM, EDT

Hello, everyone:

Today Rach and her parents visited several places. They went to the Wake Forest Senior Center as well as the Raleigh Senior Center. They visited the main office and at the pool Rach used to work. At the Raleigh Senior Center, Rach got to see her line dancers and hung around for a while. Later on the day when she went home, Rach was visited by many of her friends. She had pretty bad nerve pain today, but fought through it so she could hang out with everyone. Here's a picture of Rachelle hanging out in her living room.

  • Tuesday, August 17, 2010 10:05 PM, EDT

Well, today was the big day! Rachelle and Chris left Pitt-Memorial and are now home.

Rachelle woke up at 7 A.M. and had a plan to scare several members of the rehab facility. Her physician came into her room early and Rach told him she was not ready to see him yet and that he had to come back. So, she hid in the closet, while the rest of the gang lured the victims in. Rachelle ended up scaring five people in the process, including her case manager, the stocking/supply guy and her doctor. After she was finished giving her medical team a heart attack, they gave Rach her blood thinner shot and pills in the closet. The doctors and nurses were assessing Rachelle as she was sitting in the closet. She had to tell them to move her because she could not have a serious conversation while sitting in the closet.

Rachelle said her goodbyes to the Pitt-Memorial staff today. She also said goodbye to Frances and they decided they will remain friends and continue to see each other.

On the way home, Rach and the crew stopped at UBE (an ECU store). They went shopping and Rach purchased ECU t-shirts. She also bought her nephew an ECU jersey and ECU toys. Rach's dad also purchased a t-shirt.

Chris's parents had decorated Chris and Rachelle's house with purple and gold. They had purple and gold balloons, along with a welcome home sign. They decorated the mailbox with the balloons. They also got an automatic garage door opener, which will make it easier for Rach to enter her home when she drives. Rach was also surprised by the ramp in her garage. The ramp was built by Miranda, Carol, Kristen, Tobi, Garmin and several other awesome Resources for Seniors employees. (Thank you!). The ramp was decorated with purple and gold. As she went up the ramp, she noticed that she no longer has carpet downstairs. For the moment Chris and Rach have plywood floors because they are getting hardwood floors on Thursday. Chris, his dad, Tom, Aaron and two of Chris's family friends, Lorna and Chris all helped rip out the carpet (Thank You!)

This evening, Rachelle hung out with her family and best friend, Tom in her living room. She sat on her couch and hung out just like old times.

Thank you to all the Pitt-Memorial staff that assisted with Rachelle's journey.

  • Monday, August 16, 2010 11:00 PM, EDT

Hello, everyone:

Rachelle met and talked to a guy with a C5 spinal cord injury today. He also stayed at Pitt-Memorial and could relate to Rachelle. Rach gained much knowledge from him, as well as found him to be positive. He has done very well and come a long way; Rachelle enjoyed speaking with him.

Today was the first time ever that Rachelle rolled over from her back, to her stomach, to her elbows all by herself 100%. She laid flat on her back and rolled on her belly, while arching her back with her elbows. (Yay!!)

Chris and Rach said many of their goodbyes today, as they are leaving Pitt-Memorial tomorrow. Rachelle has a plan to hide in the closet and scare her doctors one last time before she leaves.

Chris and Rachelle appreciate all of your support. Thank you for the positive words!

  • Sunday, August 15, 2010 11:07 PM, EDT

Hi, everybody:

Rachelle had a very relaxing Sunday with her family. They hung out and enjoyed the day together. Rachelle had an idea, which consisted of having her mom hide in the closet and scare one of the nurses. Rachelle's plan worked and her mom ended up scaring one of the nurses to death, as she jumped out of the closet. However, the nurse got Rachelle back by coming into her room and telling her they needed to draw a lot of blood from her.

Rachelle is very excited about going home on Tuesday. She is counting down the hours.

  • Saturday, August 14, 2010 2:29 PM, EDT

I am so sorry we didn't update the journal yesterday but I will do both days today.

Thursday and Friday evening Rachelle and I were able to spend the night with each other in the independent living room.

As we layed in a regular bed Thursday night talking I realized just how far she had come from those first days back in ICU and her first days she spent at PITT Memorial. I rememebered how when she was in ICU I couldn't reach her to kiss her in her . My mom and Chris' mom got together to get me a kissing stool so I could reach her and kiss her and now I am able just to be able to get that close to her with out hurting her. It was a great feeling.

While we were in independent I made her cinniman toast ( my dads style )

In her therapy she was able to roll over with out help from her therapist of leg placement. She was able to go from her back and over to her side by swinging her arms. She could do this before but we had to put her legs in the direction she was rolling.

Friday night Chris, his parents, their friends Tom and Samantha came for Chris' birthday. We went to dinner at O'charlies. Tom and Chris left for hopefully more birthday fun ( they were supposed to anyway) and Samantha was smuggled into Independent living to spend the night with us for a major girl night. The rules are only one person could stay,, so shhhhh.

Later on today the plan is to pop a lot of popcorn and watch murder ball. There are a few boys here her age that she wants to share the movie with.

We are definately on the count down to going home and she is sooooo ready!! I think we are all ready. I am sure it will be a bitter sweet day we have gotten so close with the nurses and therapist they all have been so great with her.

We will keep up the caringbridge after we get home on Tuesday she will still have therapy that she will attend plus a few things that Chris and I have up our sleeves for her. Don't worry we will keep her busy and keep getting her strong.

Her major goal for herself is to be able to transfer herself and my goal is to have a perfect landing when I am the one slide boarding her. I have a feeling she will reach hers wayyyyyyy earlier than I will

Thank you all for everything you have done for us and we look foward to seeing everyone soon. We plan on doing a lot of visits in Raleigh and in Va beach!

  • Thursday, August 12, 2010 10:33 PM, EDT

Hi, everybody:

Rachelle and her mom are staying in the independent living room until tomorrow. Today, Rach got her hair done along with a sunless tanner. She also worked on slide board transfers and she did 10 in a row. Rach is getting better at her transfers. This evening she was feeling a bit nauseous.

The Poker Run will take place on September 12, 2010, at Joker's Bar and Grill. If you are unable to attend the Poker Run Fundraiser, but would like to make a contribution, you can now make donations via credit card or check online. The link is:
All funds benefit the Rachelle E. Friedman Special Needs Trust.
Donations are not tax deductible.

  • Wednesday, August 11, 2010 9:30 PM, EDT


Last night while driving home from the hospital, Chris was involved in a car accident. Luckily, Chris is doing well, however his vehicle is completely totalled. This Friday is Chris's birthday and he will celebrate in Greenville, which is nice because Rachelle will be able to attend dinner.

Today in therapy Rachelle worked around the kitchen. She took a piece of tupperware, held it under the sink to fill it with water and placed it in the microwave. She also worked on rolling on a mat and getting to her elbows, while slowing shifting all her weight to her elbows. Unfortunately, Rach was feeling some nerve pain today, so she took several naps to ease the pain.

*Just a reminder: The Poker Run will take place on September 12,2010 at Joker's Bar and Grill in Chesapeake, VA. Registration is between 9-11AM and the event begins at 11AM. If you are unable to attend the event, but would like to make a contribution please send donations to:

Rachelle Friedman's Special Needs Trust
P.O. BOX 1943
Norfolk, VA 23501

Any donations made to CaringBridge will not go towards Rachelle's fund.

Thank You.

  • Tuesday, August 10, 2010 8:43 PM, EDT

Hi, Friends:

First thing this morning Rachelle experienced low blood pressure, which caused her to pass out. However, she took her medications and started her day quickly. Chris and Rachelle went to the ECU recreation center and Rachelle went around the gym with her hand bike. During her exercise class, Rach worked on pulling elastic bands, which help with stretching and strengthening her arms. Way to go Rach!

  • Monday, August 9, 2010 9:05 PM, EDT

Hi, everyone:

Rachelle's grandparents (Bubbie and Zadie) watched her participate in therapy for the first time today. Bubbie also made Rach her favorite breakfast meal, which are scrambled eggs and bagels. Rach continues to work on her slide board transfers and one of her therapists mentioned that today she did her best slide board transfer yet. Rach also played Chinese checkers today and she picked up each piece by herself, not to mention that she won.

Rachelle rode her wheelchair all the way to the top of the hospital and had the best view of Greenville. She could see the entire ECU football stadium from the top of the hospital.

Finally, Rach did a video of wheelchair aerobics. Although she loves aerobics, she was not impressed with the girl that taught the video. So, Rach's plan is to make her own wheelchair aerobics video and we all know she will!

After her release from Pitt-Memorial Hospital, Rach plans to go home (to Knightdale, NC) and hopefully attend the Shepherd Center in Atlanta, GA.

  • Sunday, August 8, 2010 10:30 PM, EDT


Rachelle had another pass to go out on the town today. She went downtown Greenville and ate at Winslow's for lunch and Logan's for dinner. Rach also hung out with her nephew, Jeremiah, her grandparents ( bubbie and zayde) Laura , david and her dad . She was on a mission to find Ugg boots, but was unable to do so.

  • Saturday, August 7, 2010 10:05 PM, EDT

Hello, everyone:

Rachelle's mom was able to slide board Rach in the car today. She did so well that they are cleared to go out together tomorrow. Today was also the first day that Rach did not wear her TED hose and ACE bandages. She was wearing TED hose to keep her blood pressure up and on top of the hose she was wearing ACE bandages. She no longer has to wear them and was excited to see her bare legs today. Rach also worked on her arms by rolling all around the hospital. Her arms definitely got a workout today. She is also sleeping all through the night lately.

Rachelle's therapists made her a hand splint that helps her grab objects with her first two fingers. The hand splint makes her grip tighter, which makes it easier to pick up smaller items. Also, as part of occupational therapy, Rachelle talked her therapists into taking her out to the club one night. A major part of Rach's life is going out and being social, so it is important to her to continue to do so.

Rachelle's release date from Pitt-Memorial will be August 18, 2010. Almost there!

  • Friday, August 6, 2010 8:58 PM, EDT


Rachelle was in the kitchen today and she baked muffins. From what she mentioned, they tasted good. Rachelle is also continuing to improve her wheelies and slide board transfers. She is working hard in PT daily and is getting much better at her exercises. She's a very determined individual!

Just a reminder: The Poker Run Fundraiser will take place September 12, 2010 at Jokers Bar and Grill (2917 S. Military Hwy, Chesapeake, VA 23323). Registration is from 9-11AM and the event will begin at 11AM. The cost is $10.00 for Riders and $5.00 for passengers. If you are unable to attend, but would like to make a donation, please mail them to:

P.O. BOX 1943
Norfolk, VA 23501

make checks payable to the Rachelle friedmans special needs trust
Thank you.

  • Thursday, August 5, 2010 9:59 PM, EDT

Hi, everybody:

Today in PT Rachelle worked on her wheelies and more slide board transfers. She also wheeled around in her tennis chair. Rach and her best friend, Kasie had a concert for the therapist as well. Rach did one of her favorite things, which is singing and she sounded amazing. Kasie and Chris had a wheelchair race down the hallway as well and Kas won.

Rachelle also met with Frances and her son today. She discussed with Frances's son about what it's like growing up with a mother who is paralyzed. Rachelle plans on having a family one day and she mentioned it was cool getting Frances's son perspective.

  • Wednesday, August 4, 2010 8:58 PM, EDT

Hello, everyone:

Rachelle worked on her slide board transfers again today. She wants to be able to transfer herself all alone and surely she will, as she has made that one of her goals. Also,Rachelle and three other participants played balloon tennis today. Balloon tennis is played by having a racket and a balloon and hitting the balloon back and forth. Rach and one of the guys on her team were talking trash to the other team (Rachelle style). Great job, Rach!!

*There is a correction for the date of the Poker Run. The Poker Run will be held September 12, 2010 and NOT September 19, 2010 as previously mentioned.

  • Tuesday, August 3, 2010 10:18 PM, EDT

Hi, everyone:

Rachelle pumped a lot of iron again in therapy today. She also practiced working on slide board transfers on the driver's seat. She was excited because she did much better than last time. Rach spend most of her day in therapy working on strengthening her arms.

As mentioned in a previous post, Rachelle's brother is planning on organizing a poker run as a fundraiser. Here are the details so far:

Location: Jokers Bar and Grill
2917 S. Military Highway
Chesapeake, VA 23323
When: September 12, 2010
Time: Registration is between 9AM-11AM. The event begins at 11AM.
Cost: $10 for Riders and $5 for passengers.

Just to refresh everyones memory, a poker run is a group of bikers that get together for a cause. All riders begin at one main location and draw A card and that card is marked on their play sheet. The group of bikers then head from one location to another and draw a card at each stop. Each location is pre-determined. The end meeting point is also pre-determined. The biker with the best hand wins.

  • Tuesday, August 3, 2010 12:34 AM, EDT

and yes, Rachelle did have a great day in therapy and I (mom) got a work out too, GOOD GRIEF ,,she was able to ride the bike again today around the hospital and she went FAST She also was pumping more wieights at the weight machine.

Good news too, on one hand when she holds her palm up she is able to raise her hand up and down. She was not able to do that before which is a function from c7 which is below her injury level, She can only do it with her right hand but we are excited.

Also, on the right side when she hold her arm at chest level bent with her hand near her ear she is now able to raise and lower it to make it straight Her left side is being a bit lazy but hopefully it will soon get the signal it needs to get busy, both arms were able to do bicep movement so it's good to see some tri ceps starting to work

She also worked on trying to get those wheelies to work for her I think she was able to hold one for about 3 or 4 seconds today,

If that girl, doesnt slow down whe may have to put bungee cords on her to keep up with her.

We hope everyone has a great day !

  • Sunday, August 1, 2010 9:41 PM, EDT

Hello, everybody:

Rachelle had a great weekend with her family. Yesterday she went to the mall and went shopping. At the mall she was surprised by her Cheerleaders, the Wakeshakers. They were all dressed in their purple and gold uniforms and cheered L-E-T'-S G-O, LET'S GO, LET'S GO in one of the stores Rach was shopping. After shopping Rachelle and the crew got ice-cream.

Today, Rach along with her family and friends, went out around town again. They visited the Greenville Park on 1st Street and hung out by the water. Rachelle is ready to get back to therapy and mentioned she will do "great" in therapy tomorrow. We know you will Rach!

Rachelle's attitude remains determined!!

  • Tuesday, July 6, 2010 9:30 PM, EDT

The past few days have been very frustrating for Rachelle. Due to severe pain and some gastro-intestinal issues, she has not been able to participate in any rehab therapy this week. She fears that she has taken a step back, but I'm sure as soon as we can get her up and feeling better she'll be back to her usual schedule and hard work. She really misses using her manual chair since several upgrades have been made and she has not yet gotten the opportunity to try it out. I'm so proud of her and all of the progress she has been making. Her stubborn determination and unwavering work effort have gotten her far. I can't wait until she is able to get up out of bed and continue her therapy so she can continue to see for herself all of the accomplishments she is able to make. Since arriving at rehab, there has been little change as far as returned sensation or movement below her level of injury, but she continues to impress both family members and therapists alike in what she is able to do and the improvements she has shown. Her strength continues to improve as well as her adaptation and problem solving.

Indeed my sweetheart has come a long way since she first arrived here in Greenville. I try my best to help out whenever and however I can. I love her dearly and will continue to be by her side each day here in rehab to show my support, but when some days get hard it is truly her spirit that lifts us both up and helps us to overcome.

Thank you to everyone who shares a positive thought of Rachelle and sends their love. The overwhelming outreach, love, and support from everyone (friends, family, and strangers alike) has done so much to give her strength and always keeps her reaching to achieve whatever that "next step" may be. The wedding is only on temporary delay as I can't wait to share that wonderful day with her as my bride.

Thanks to everyone,
Chris (fiance)

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